01/30/2023 Hump day!!!! HALF WAY!!!!!

Well, somehow i survived half my mission and this week has been what i feel to be a perfect representation of la vida misional... chaotic Monday we had a FHE with a teenager who's a recent convert, and her mom who is super inactive, and it was really good. Antonella (the 13yr old) made these muffins with blueberries, and we ended up talking about baking a ton, which as you all know, is kinda my thing! We were also able to talk a lot about the Book of Mormon and read a chapter with them. I could have stayed there all night but we did eventually have to leave. A little later, we were going to visit someone else we're currently teaching, and had a really weird feeling. There were a bunch of flashlights and stuff inside the house, and we decided to not go visit her... and we also decided to go home a different way from how we normally do, which meant going around the long way through the path right next to the river. We normally cut up through centro because the path by the rive...