02/28/23 10 months

Hello hi how's it goin its so laaaaate, so imma make this maybe a little more short and sweet!! We had zone conference early in the weekend which was pretty good... except that it went long so we didn't get to do interviews and we had to RUN to the bus... good times (side note I'm currently writing this from a bus on the way to copiapo AGAIN because we have exchanges tomorrow with the hermanas here.) Also, got told to do a musical number again... on the bus ride on the way to copiapo... so had to figure that one out in like less than 12 hours haheha. A little organization would be cool but like it's fine. We sang I need thee every hour (me and my compi) and it turned out pretty good (there was a weird thing with the piano but no importa!!) A little later in the week we had our ups and downs, like one day we found this little family who are so golden!! (And apparently they had someone over visiting until 4am, but the husband couldn't sleep because he was so...