05/29/23 Earthquake, miracles, ya know, the usual

This week was a lot of things both good and bad. But mostly good!!! Random puntos again (it's easier this way haha) Mental health situation: one of our friends who we're teaching had planned to commit suicide on Thursday, and so we spent a couple of days facebook stalking her to try and get into contact with her children because legally they're the only ones who can do anything about it, but they didn't know. So overall super emotionally draining and we talked to our president about it... sometimes I'm shocked that they let 18-21 year olds do this work Miracle family: this is literally the best part of this week. So. We have this member friend who is really awesome, she's always willing to help us and she's from Venezuela. And somehow, like all of the people from Venezuela know each other here. So this she introduced us to one of her friends who's also from Venezuela! And we started teaching her and her family. It's a mom with 3 daughters, ages...