06/26/26 New sector again

Happy Monday! I'm writing from a bus because I'm traveling 8 hours to antofagasta for a meeting with all the leaders in the mission (wasn't I just there?? yes, yes I was). This week has been overall very good honestly!! With my previous two sectors I struggled a little bit to adjust to the members and the friends, but here I feel like I'm at home. It's been really comfortable, and I'm honestly not sure why. Some things about the sector: Maray is super flat, there's just one hill which is amazing because my last transfer was all hills and mountains. And it's also really small, so we can go from end to end in like a half hour (my last sector was HUGE, it would've taken hours to walk from end to end). We live right next door to LĂder which is Walmart but Chile, which is great because we can buy stuff really easily, but terrible because we can buy stuff really easily haha. The ward is really supportive of missionary work and have received me r...