09/25/2023 Último testimonio 😰

Ewe! This hedgehog totally pooped on me! El fin se acerca!!! Ahhhhhhhh Good morning amiguitos!! This week was crazy and good and hard and happy and sad... let me explain, no no there's too much, let me sum up! Early in the week I was really struggling, my comp and I are very different people and I was really tired of everyone assuming I don't know any Spanish, and just the general attitude of our companionship. It was like anything that I said was white for her it was black, or anything that I thought we could do one way, she wanted to do another thing. And like, we're still getting used to being together, and it's just been a little bit challenging. I said a lot of prayers! One thing that was really cool was we met this elderly couple (members) and the wife creates all sorts of crafty things, and most recently she's making dolls for Christmas and selling them!! We looked at how cute the dolls were and she offered to make some missionary dolls with us!! So I thi...