06/27/22 Buenos Dias!
Buenos días!!!
Monday was a pretty chill day, not much happened! But Tuesday we did intercambios so I got put with an Hermana who's going home in 3 weeks!!! She does things a bit differently than my comp which was cool to see, and we went to this American restaurante called Club Z that had really good burgers and fries and lemonade. We also had 3 lessons scheduled in a row so we had lots of teaching! Something I thought was maybe a little awkward was that we had a member family in one of the lessons who was breast feeding her child... and we were teaching this random dude the very first lesson, and she just like... breast fed her kid out in the open with nothing covering... I was like uhhhhh I don't know what to do. But apparently that's normal here??? Yeah anyways, our last lesson went sooo well. The thing about not being able to speak much Spanish is that when you do speak people listen very closely
we were teaching about the plan of salvation and got talking a little about how those who didn't have the chance to receive the gospel in this life will have the chance in the next life, and he was really impressed by it. His baptism is this coming weekend 

Also on Tuesday after we got Club Z, we got ice cream, and on the way back to the pension from there we saw this marching band/dance thing which I think is a Bolivian thing? Idk but it was really cool... I'll send pictures.
On Wednesday I was back in my own sector and we had consejo de distrito y zona (zone and district council) and that was fine... I can't understand a lot especially when chilenos talk, but yeah it was good. It was like excessively windy so all of us hermanas (we're allowed to wear pants but not to zone council) were holding down our skirts a ton. Super awkward lol. I was wearing a super long dress so it wasn't as bad as it was the last time I was wearing a skirt and it was windy (flowy and on the shorter side) but yeah it was still kinda annoying. The rest of the day was honestly just kinda normal-missionary work!
Thursday a member had lunch delivered to us and then we had 2 contacts planned... the first one went kinda long, but it was good... except she's moving to Perú in like a month and so we probably won't get to baptize her
she's just not ready... it is what it is. After our lesson, though, we helped her daughter with English homework, and she gave us the best empanadas like ever. They had shredded chicken in them and were burn-your-mouth hot and so so good. After that we were gonna drop in and talk to this less active member real quick to see if we can teach their 9 year old daughter so we can get her baptized... and that ended up going for almost 3 hours. The less active mom got talking about how she loves the church she just hates a couple people in our ward... lol awkward. I couldn't understand most of it so I was just kinda sitting there. But at the end of the meeting I was assertive with my limited Spanish like ayy we need to gooo but come to our ward activity tomorrow!! (And by the way, they did!!!!!)

That night we had FHE with the president and all the Hermanas in the mission over zoom... and then like as soon as that was over we had FHE with our zone over Googlemeets or something. And then we went to bed. It had been a long day haha.
Fridayyyy a lot happened as well. In the morning we had a service project and wore these cool vests that said Party With Jesus in Spanish of course... the awkward thing is that they only wanted like 2-4 volunteers and our whole zone of 14 showed up... so they didn't have a lot for us to do. It was at this like church where they serve food to homeless people, so yeah overall an interesting experience. And then we went to get some money out of the ATM because one of our hermanas wanted to buy some stuff for her brother (cuz she goes home in like 3 weeks)... and her card got stuck in the ATM machine!! So we had to wait outside for like 20 minutes for a police dude to get it out... yeah it was an adventure. Also it was super windy again but this time I had pants on. yay! But anyways, here they have what's called Ferias which is basically like a farmers market thing, except they have them almost every day. So the one hermana got her arrowheads and then we all bought these super cheap muffins that ended up being pretty dry but alright... they were orange flavored since I know you were all wondering. After that we had some time to study and lunch, and I had myself a nice little cleaning party! Not sure how, but it feels like our apartment is alwayyysss messy... and then I made a quick batch of oatmeal cookie dough, and my comp said it was like the best cookie dough ever hehe. After that we had a visit with Hermana Berta, who is this cute little old lady in our ward who loves to talk to us... she's adorable... and she bought us each our own package of ores!!!!
After that we went to the church for our little ward party and had 2 families of our friends we've been contacting lately there!!! Our elders ended up planning a lot of it (we tried to help but they kinda took over... which is totally fine, I'm actually so impressed by them!) and the whole thing was "The Good Shepherd" themed. So they had a little message and then they had a game, which was where they had 99 sheep everyone had to find but told them there were 100... so everyone was looking for the last sheep for a few minutes and then they had a little message about how the last sheep is each of us and he will leave the 99 and so on... it was so cuuuute. After that we had a musical number that we had been practicing all week. We sang Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd (me and one elder did a duet with my comp on piano-the other Elder is kinda tone deaf and doesn't like to sing so it worked out)... and it turned out so pretty. Elder Tinoco is so talented!
At the end of the activity, I talked for like 20 minutes with our less active friend and was able to communicate pretty well... and then we had hot chocolate and treats (the hot chocolate was chocolate milk that they boiled in a pot and then afterwards when it cooled down they sent it home in Coke bottles with us and the Elders we share a ward with... the elders drank it and it made them sick so we threw ours out lol). We didn't leave the capilla until like 10:20 and our curfew is at 10:30... so at 10:30 we were in the elevator when the zone leaders called and we were like oh shoot oh shoot... and she answered and they wanted to video call so we like ran to our pension and answered their video call, sitting in our room. They just wanted to hear about how I was doing as a new trainee. It was crazy because we're almost always back in our pension before 9 or 10 but the ONE time we're not they call
que vergüenza.

The next day we had a looottt going on too! The other hermanas had a baptism so my comp and I did a quick study and then helped them set up and get ready. The baptism was at 10:30 and the font takes like 3 hours to fill up so they left like as soon as they woke up. The baptism went really well, and they had a random lady they had never met come up and say she wanted to get baptized as well sooo crazy miracles! And once again I got asked to speak during the baptism. Also at some point before this we got a text asking me to speak on Sunday for like 10-15 minutes
but anyways that happened
after the baptism we had lunch with a member and the Elders and they had chicken and rice... but the chicken actually had flavor!!!!! And the rice was the perfect texture!!! Best lunch. We also had orange cream ice cream so that was also super good! In the afternoon we had our weekly planning (2 days late oops!) and then we went to a devo about missionary work and had a discussion with people from our ward. After that we went through all the people in area book and kinda cleaned it out, sent over like 3 Facebook references, etc. and I worked on my talk a bit.

Sunday I got up and finished writing my talk, and then we went to church. It was kinda scary but also, it went perfectly. I talked about the importance of having the spirit and about the importance of baptism and confirmation so that we can always have the spirit with us.... and later that day a lady who wanted her daughter (who is 8) not to get baptized until she was 10 told the bishop she changed her mind and wants her daughter baptized asap :)
After church we had lunch with the bishop and it was a very good time-their 12 year old daughter is basically fluent in English so I talked with her for a few!!! And the food was good-and they had torte that was like to do for, soooo good. After that we went home and a different member wanted us to visit them so we did, and we were there for like 4 hours which was too long because I can't understand anything and we didn't get things done but it's fiiiine. They made sopapillas which are also really good... and I had Ecco for the first time which is like mormon coffee and I am noooottt a fan. I think it's nasty haha. After that we came home and did some Facebook, and had phone audits and I got to talk to Bryce for a few minutes
for his birthday.

Aaaaaand that brings us today! This morning we slept in hehe and then we hiked the Cerro which is this giant hill kinda like schnobkibe in stg. It was kinda fun but felt a little pointless, and a lot tiring. It's been super overcast today so at least we don't have to worry about sunburns!! And then we went to lunch and shopping!! We get a new president today of our mission so it's kind of a lot of things happening with that but yah, that is the really long email about my week this week

love you all

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