07/04/22 Bautismoooos and Chiu Chiu (13%)
xoxoxo hna griffin
I'm gonna do this a little differently... here's this week's highlights!
-Tuesday we went to Antofa for a conference and to say goodbye to presidente y hermana Larsen!! I got to see the Hermanas who picked me up at the airports and met a bunch of people who maybe I'll talk to again later and maybe not!! We had pizza which is a super important detail, and on the bus we watched Cars and another movie I can't remember what it's called. Overall a good time.
-Wednesday we got completos :)
-Thursday we had a zone FHE and we were in charge! We also had a super long phone call with our friend Billy and got him set up to be baptized on the 16th... and we think this time is different and is not gonna fall through

-Friday we had a gospel principles class... but no one showed up, including the teacher... so then when one person did show up, us and the Elders taught her the 4th lesson in preparation for her baptism... she is soooo elect, and so smart and literally just golden in every way. She told us we need to make sure we marry someone with our same standards and that we're gonna bless the lives of our spouses and stuff. She's literally the cutest. More on her in a minute! We also got to meet the new presidente and he's super funny, and very argentine (but he was born in Taiwan and is Taiwanese so he looks very Asian and confuses everyone with his perfect argentine Spanish hahahaha). His wife seems super sweet as well :)
-Saturday was Axel's baptism!!!!!!!!! (Have I talked about Axel much??) Axel was my very first amigo en enseñanza here and he is so awesome!! He doesn't live in our sector so we had to pass him on to the other hermanas, but we taught him 3 times before then and then I got to help teach him the plan of salvation during intercambios, so that was of course amazing... and his baptism was amazing!!! my comp and I did a musical number-Lead Kindly Light and I Need Thee Every Hour, and he gave his testimony and it was so good-one of the most spiritual experiences I've witnessed!! He talked about how at night time he would get kinda sad and he would read the Book of Mormón to feel better!! He also said when he was baptized it was like a weight was lifted off his chest that he didn't realize was there. He said he was so excited and energized that he felt like he could run around the block... it was so precious and amazing to see!!
-Sunday was pretty busy-we had church and then we had lunch with the stake president and his family, and then we had the baptism of Lismery (the same one from the other day) and I loooovvee her. She's such an angel, I can't even explain it. Before her baptism (besides the missionaries she was literally the only one on time haha, that's just how the culture is here), we were talking to her and she said she felt like a little kid waiting to hit a piñata, and she was sooo excited. Her baptism was beautiful and I also sang for the meeting and my comp spoke. It's really really incredible to see the gospel working in peoples lives and the joy that comes from having an understanding of all of it... she's such a blessing and I'm so glad she's gonna continue to be in our ward so we still get to see her all the time!!!!
-Today, Monday, we went to Chiu Chiu all morning, and took some pictures and saw some indigenous ruins and stuff, very cool I'll send pictures... and I also got a purple llama key chain. And now we're having an asada because it's the 4th of July and most of us are from the states

That's all I got!!!! Welp it's still really long sorryyyyy love u guys
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