08/22/22 No electricity so we climbed 11 stories to our apartment
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-Monday we went on this weird hike by a river so that was fun... but I have a funny story about that night
So. We were at our friend, Yade's house having once upstairs and chillin, and Yade was like we need to get drinks, so we went down to the almacen right outside her house like less than a block... but downstairs, her dad (who's like in his 70s) was being taught by the JEHOVAS WITNESSES??? And we've been teaching Yade for like 4 months, so to see JWs there was so wacky. We just looked at each other and laughed as soon as we were out of ear shot of them. I wonder how they felt, randomly teaching this old dude and then the "mormons" come downstairs. This is the same family who had two girls get baptized last week, so yeah overall, ridiculously funny.
-Tuesday we had a pretty normal day. We've been teaching this abuelo named Jose but he moved to Bolivia earlier this week which was heartbreaking, because he's progressing a ton and really enjoying learning from the missionaries. But he had a 3 day bus ride and said he was gonna read the Book of Mormon the whole time!
-Wednesday we had completos after we had consejos and as always, they were so good. We've gotten to the point where the waiter there always knows we want PapaPletos (completos with fries on top), me with mayo de ajo and ketchup, and Hermana Tommy with just ketchup, and a 1liter Coke to share.
-Thursday we did a little work in a feria which is like a farmers market, so we set up a table and talked to people and handed out pamphlets. I usually am not a fan but I made a joke about pretending to be Elder Crockett, who is this elder who has absolutely no fear, and just plays the part of the clueless gringo, like intentionally, and talks to everyone sooo much to the point where he's probably annoying them... anyways I was thinking I would channel my Elder Crockett energy and talk to everyone... and now I know why he does it! It's actually really fun that way, and you have a decent amount of success. Then we had soup for lunch which might have had lizard in it but we don't actually know. But it did not fill us up... so like 2-3 hours later we were starving, so we bought a ton of bread, and I ate like 4 bread disk things, I don't remember what they're called. In other news it was literally sooooooo cold

-Friday the hot water broke so it was cold showers or no showers hahah, and then we had a devo with elder renlund but it was all in Spanish so I didn't really understand most of it. It's weird, sometimes I can understand everything someone is saying and speak really well, and other times I can barely introduce myself and I can't understand a word. But anyways, we got lunch and PapaJohns again!!! It's honestly probably my favorite thing to eat-pizza!!! But unfortunately my stomach and my mouth don't agree because that pizza my tummy very upset. How rude.
A little later we had a little lesson with our friend Patricio, and he's really cool... we taught him all of lessons 1 and 2 in one sitting because he had so many questions, and with his questions we answered parts of the other three lessons as well! Crazy stuff 

-Saturday the hot water was still not working so cold showers again!! And then we did more feria work before lunch. This time we had 6 elders with us instead of 2 and we went to a bigger feria, but holy cow people were BRUTAL!! Like, we'd try and talk to people and they would ignore us or yell at us or just say no and walk faster. Normally people will at least say good morning and no thank you!! Anyways, we ended up getting 6 phone numbers, and we're pretty sure 3 of them only gave us their number because we're pretty girls. At the end of the feria, there was a stand with cotton candy so I bought some and shared with everyone... I felt like a little kid with my cotton candy!!!!!
Later we had lunch with this family who has the funniest looking cat I've ever seen. I'll try and attach a picture below!! After lunch we were going to do some service but it fell through so we did some Facebook!! Then we taught our English class and some random members gave us cake! I'm still not entirely sure why!
-Sunday we had church and we the miracle of ALL of our friends in teaching coming to church...not. Yeah only one of them came haha, but he's really cool!! Kinda lame...
But I did make muffins for breakfast and we had lunch with our favorite member family who makes the best food!! And then we some lessons and calls-typical missionary work stuff. AND IT WAS MARLEES BIRTHDAY so I got to call her 

How scary that it's the last week of the transfer ahhhhh. We get transfer calls on Satuday and then whoever is leaving, leaves on Monday, so pretty quick turnaround!!! We THINK I'm gonna stay and Hermana Tommy is gonna go somewhere else... but we just don't know. Whatever happens I'm sure I'll be fine

Anyways thats this week... hope everyone had a good one too! Honestly I don't know how many people actually read these, but I know I'll want all this info and feelings and everything in a little book or something after the mission... so yeah if no one else is reading this, hello future me! You're probably cooler than me 


xo-hna griffin
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