09/12/22 HOMBRES π
How's it going? I hope really well.
So. I tried mate (ma-tay) this week... it's this tea-like drink that's really popular in Uruguay... which is where my comp is from
... and also in Argentina. I hated it. It was the most bitter nasty thing I've ever had!!! But my comp lovesssss it.... and when I tried it, it was apparently very clear that I did not, and she thought it was the FUNNIEST thing she's ever seen and every time we had lunch with members all week she told hem about how funny my face was when i tried mate. I kid you not, the flavor was still in my mouth five hours later in spite of eating a million things after

Right now I'm writing from a bus. We're going to antofagasta tonight for our tri-zone conference so we have a three hour bus ride before arriving. And I get to see TOMMY TONIGHT!!!! (my trainer) she lives in the apartment where we stay when we visit antofa, so needless to say I'm super excited!!!
This weekend we had daylight savings here, so we're now three hours off from yall in mountain time. And when you guys have daylight savings we'll be 4 hours off. But with that, I couldn't really talk to my family in the morning because it's toooo early. Sooo this morning I made cinnamon rolls and they turned out SO GOOD!! I made cinnamon cream cheese frosting that was absolutely worth the hassle of finding cream cheese here (it's not that hard, I just didn't know where to look).
We had a couple of miracles this week including finding this family with two little kids and a mom and a dad. And they came to church!!! The little kids were pretty active during sacrament but they were sooo cute. Sunday night we found a different little family of a single mom who's 21 years old, and her 2 kids under 3 years old. So we're super excited about the work here!! We also had a cool experience where this little puppy run up to us, having escaped its owner, and when the owner of the puppy caught up, he talked to us and it turned out he's an inactive member of the church who recently moved here to Chile and wanted to return to the church but when he saw ours was closed (they're replacing the roof so with that we have a sign on the gates and we have to go to a different building that's across town!!) he didn't know really what to do... so then when we found him in the street he was super nice!! But then he didn't come to church. So yeah I don't know what to think.
We also had intercambios earlier this week, so I was with an hermana who has less time than I do in the mission, which was really crazy but also boosted my confidence a ton, because honestly we were able to function!! I didn't understand everything from everyone but we absolutely were able to work as missionaries and I could understand enough to have a conversation for an hour during lunch with a member, contact in the street, including write down people's phone numbers (correctly!!) and do a bunch of phone calls with people!!! We also dragged our beds out into the dining room area of our apartment because we didn't know how else to get us in the same room without using someone else's bed. It was super fun.
I got super sunburned this week because I got lazy with sunscreen, so I've been trying to be more careful with that. But hey it's funny if nothing else. Also I use the same type of socks every day, and I have a very solid, very obvious tan line where my socks normally are. Entertaining if nothing else haha.
OK the reason the subject is hombres
is because I had 3 crazy nights this week.

First, one night we were walking home through centro (the only way we can get home) and this dude was riding his bike behind us and like, the sidewalk is HUGE, and we were on the inner edge... and he and his bike come up behind us and ram me in the bum!! My bag was on my hip so my comp thought he was trying to rob me, but nope, he was just ramming me in the bum. And like, this other dude was standing off to the side and glanced up from his phone and looked kinda amused.... my comp was really freaked out and said we should go around the long way to get home, but the dude standing by was like, nahhhh you don't need to do that. He's not dangerous he's bolivian, hes just tanto (which is like a negative connotation of silly?? I think??) And offered to walk with us to the corner where the other dude turned... so he did, and the bike dude was up the street without a care in the world, and the phone dude was like "mira (look), he's just tanto he's just Bolivian!" And my comp was like uhh is this dude for real?? Anyways. Always funny to hear Chileans make fun of other people. I guess.
Then the very next night, we were walking home, same road, and this homeless guy was being really loud and annoying to the street dogs, and so we started walking pretty fast to avoid the situation... but he apparently noticed, so he started following us, so we started almost running, and he ran super fast between us, cackling and saying a bunch of vulgar and random things, in ENGLISH, and so yeah we turned around and went the long way home.
But THEN, the next night, the SAME crazy homeless dude saw us again and started cackling and saying things, but we got in front of a large group of people in the way so we didn't have problems... but it was legit 3 nights in a row of crazy men bothering us.
Basically, I'm done with crazy hombres lol.
ALSO we had interviews with the president which was interesting because he's convinced my Spanish is good enough to do the entire thing in Spanish... which as it turned out, it was. But how scary!! And then they said they wanted to see our apartment, so we hurried home after our lessons that night and cleaned like crazyyy. It was already pretty clean because my comp and I are both kinda obsessive, BUT we like deep cleaned because how scary, right?? But then only hermana wu came, which was fine because she was very impressed with how clean our apartment was. It still is which makes me very happy.
Just now (as I said, I'm on a bus), a bunch of cops with drug dogs came on the bus, and the elders got yelled at because they touched the dog. Apparently drug dogs here in Chile only get 1 hour of play each day or less, and have to work for all the rest of the time. If I was a dog I think I would rather be a street dog who gets to do whatever it wants all day.
Something I've really enjoyed studying this week is the connection between the creation, the fall, and the atonement. Basically all of them are connected in a lot of ways, and are the three most important things that have ever happened. But here's something that I was thinking of. As we know, the Lord likes to work in 7s. So then what are the 7 most important things to have happened in history?
My thoughts are these: first, the plan and war that was had in heaven, where 1/3 of the spirit-intelligences chose Satan's plan, and were cast out of heaven.
Second, the creation of the earth by Jesus Christ under the direction of God, the Father.
Third, the fall of Adam and Eve (and if you want way too many thoughts on this subject, let me know and I'll tell you all of them. This has been one of my favorite things to study lately so yeah).
Fourth the Atonement of Jesus Christ in which He overcame both spiritual and physical death.
Fifth, the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith.
Wait, so what are 6 and 7?? Well, they haven't happened yet. And again, these are just my thoughts.
Sixth will be that great and dreadful day when Jesus comes again and the millennium happens.
And seventh will be that day of final judgment when we are placed according to the desires of our hearts in our eternal home.
Notice something about them? They are a centered in Jesus Christ. If you, too, choose to center your life around Him, you will be in the right place. This isn't a right now and tomorrow thing-- I'm talking about eternity here!! What could possibly be more important than choosing to follow Him? The answer is that there is literally nothing more important than choosing to follow Him. This decision is of eternal consequence and importance and its not out of reach, for any of you. Ever.
Anyways, I've already talked wayyyy too much, but I just have to say this work is so much easier when you focus your attention on helping others and serving God. I'm exhausted-- this has legit been one of the longest weeks of my entire life! But also one of the most joy and miracle filled, as well as one of the most fulfilling. We have our agency so we can choose liberty and eternal life or captivity and death. It's up to you.
Love you guys!!
xo-hna griffin
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