10/10/22 If I survived this week, you can survive yours π
This week was interesting

The entire week we were kinda burned out of this sector and looking forward to a change... basically our sector looks like this every day:
Do all the morning things (exercise, study, get ready), set up appointments in the morning, do some other things, lunch with a member family, and then lessons all afternoon, with some finding and other things... sounds simple enough right??? Well. No. Our sector is huuuuge, so we do more walking than actual working. I think we walk like at least 10-15 miles a day, if not more. And with all of this walking I have blisters and sore feet and sore legs and sore back. I have already broken 2 out of my 3 shoes and the third pair are on their way out if I'm being honest. (I'm gonna buy some hush puppies this week, hopefully they'll hold up!!) The worst part is... we usually set up the appointments a few days in advance, and then we call and remind them the morning of... so we do all this and then we show up at their door and they don't answer!! So we're texting and calling them, and they're like, oh sorry! We went out! Or they tell us some other excuse. Yeahhhh that was about the summary of the missionary work this week. Us doing everything in our power to make stuff happen, aaaand stuff falling through at the last minute and having ti figure out what to do so we're not just knocking doors 14 hours a day!!
But anyways. In spite of that, I have seen the Lord's hand in my life this week! Feeling a little less successful has made me feel a little more homesick, which has made me pray a little harder, and this week I really have felt the spirit stronger than at any other point, I think, in my entire life. It's like, every time I sit down and study I can feel my heart beat speed up and the warm comfort in my heart of the spirit telling me that things are gonna be ok! I feel more capable in lessons, I feel more prepared for life, and even though it hasn't been easy, I haven't been unhappy either. I enjoy working hard (although I don't enjoy the blisters)!
In other news, I ate canned mackeral this week (although to be honest, I'm not sure what it even is!!! I mean it's fish in a can, but like ?????) in an arepa, and it made me kinda sickkkk!
In the same day we had a lesson with someone who was crazy rich, and they gave us some food, which you would think would be super delicious, right???
Wrong. They were the driest empanadas I've ever had!! And ya know what was inside of them?
(Normally it's pork, chicken, ground beef, vegetables, ham...)
2 hot dogs.
And oregano.
And gouda cheese.
Yeah, so it was not my favorite....
And they served it with pear juice.
PEAR juice.
Have you ever had pear juice?
It's really not bad 

The other fun thing that happened this week was that time hermana perez translated English for me!
There was this old guy, and he's pretty cool, and probably in his 70s.
So we're talking to him, teaching him the gospel, and practically in the middle of his sentences, he compliments me... in English! And I couldn't understand him because his accent was so bad!! But my comp did
but throughout like the entire thing he kept complimenting my eyes and calling me beautiful, and I like didn't understand
yeahhh idk if we're gonna keep teaching him or not. I guess we'll see!!

But, anyways, that's all!!
Hope everyone is doing well!! If it wasn't so late maybe I would put effort into writing a spiritual thought, but I'm tired

Les amoooo
xo-hna griffin
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