10/17/20 This week's letter... featuring a playlist!!!
On Tuesday we went to this house of this suuuuper wealthy member for lunch, and I've heard the lunches are tasty but tiny, so I was prepared for that. She gave us salmon and rice, and it was pretty good, definitely fancy. But the part that was weird was, the moment I got there I was like, wow how beautiful your house, and it was definitely the first time I had been there... but she was insistent that I had been there before during intercambios... but I had definitely NEVER been inside her house before. Hna Tommy did, but me, no. So the whole time she was referencing the last time I was in her house, and I was just like... oh, sorry, I don't remember... (because it wasn't me!!!) But anyways.
You're never gonna believe this... I wrote a short letter this week!!!
Every morning we have a phone call with the zone to say our morning prayer together. So it's usually 5 minutes or less for the phone call- 30 seconds to do announcements, 1-2 minutes for someone to share a scripture, and 1-2 minutes for the prayer... well Thursday morning, we got on the call and like 7:02, and announcements and scripture were done at 7:04. And then this Elder gave a prayer literally until 7:22!!! 18 minutes of prayer on a phone call at 7 in the morning!!!
my comp said she heard him praying, dozed off, woke up again, and he was STILL praying! Anyways, I just thought it was super funny!!

Friday we had a lesson where we introduced two of our friends to each other, because they're both from Colombia!! I don't know how many of you have talked to colombians before, but holyyy cowww, it was the loudest lesson I've ever been to hahaha, the way they talk, they're both just like yelling the whole time. Anyone who's met more colombians, are they all like that??? I've met 4-5 here and all of them I've met are like that 

Then we had a miracle yesterday where we went to visit this older guy, and he told he had read all of what we asked him to, multiple times!! Aaaand he read other parts of the book of mormon in parts that we didn't even ask him to!! He's progressing so much and we're so excited to continue helping him. He lives by himself and I really think that us visiting him has helped him feel a little less lonely as well!!
Saturday we put on an activity, minute to win it, and it was kind of a lot of work... but it was a HUGE success!!! About half of the people we invited came, and nearly all of them brought something to eat, so we had lots of food!! I made a ton of brownies that were gone in like 5 seconds!! We had a bunch of non members, less active members, excommunicated members, completely inactive members, regular members who aren't super united with each other.... it was soooo good for the ward and for the friends. The next day in church, we had 70 people in the church!!! Our usual attendance is about 30, so that was amazingggg.
Anyways, all is well here!!
Also here's a playlist of all the non-missionary-approved music that's been in my head this week:
-when october goes-barry manilow
-you and I-ingrid mickelson
-bohemian rhapsody-queen
-all star- smashmouth
-sue me-sabrina carpenter
-lazy song- bruno mars
-if I could ride a bike
-Edelweiss- from the sound of music
-the things we do for love
-say so- doja cat
-bluey theme song
Love you all sooo much!!!
xo-hna griffin
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