Megabed! |
Weird soup |
You heard it here first... this weeks letter.. featuringgggg COVIDDD. I've been in quarantine for 3 days now and I have at least 2 more... and I don't even have covid!!! But my comp does. And it has hit her hard, poor thing. The law in Chile is that only the person with symptoms has to quarantine, but she's my comp, so I can't leave her here without me and I can't go anywhere without her. Today I'm going to go shopping with one of the other hermanas in our apartment so I'm looking forward to leaving this place for the first time in a few days!!
Heres what went down this week:
Monday and tuesday were normal days with lessons and all that, and Tuesday we found out that one of our friends in teaching is a drug trafficker, her daughters are prostitutes (including the 10 year old, which ia horrifying), and a few days ago someone was shot there... not that the police have done anything, just we have a different friend that lives two houses down that saw the whole ordeal. So yeah, long story short we stopped teaching her... she had a baptismal date and everything... for those missionaries out there, anyone else ever bad a red star in your area book??? (red means do not contact, star means they had or have a baptismal date)
Red star, no contact!!!Yikes! |
Wednesday we had intercambios!! The hermana leaders from antofa came and did exchanges with the hermana leaders here, and I got to hang out with Hermana Sorenson again!! It's literally become like a weekly thing lately. This time we worked in Caspana, and it was pretty low key. In the evening we had 6 girls on 4 mattresses by basically making a megabed in the slightly bigger part of our apartment. It was fun, but definitely not something I would wanna do on a regular basis. Also Wednesday in the morning we had district council and we decorated the room because it was one of the elders birthday... and we only had princess ballerina stuff to decorate, but he embraced it hahaha... I also made brownies!!
Thursday my comp woke up feeling really sick, and we took her temperature and she had a super high fever. We worked from the house that day and figured it would pass... nope.
Us at the hospital |
Friday she woke up feeling WORSE, so we went to the hospital, and they sent her straight to the PCR test area for covid... they said I was good to go back with her (and I wish I hadn't, because I witnessed this dude throw up into the plants... no one ever even cleaned the plants... sorry for that visual!!) But the waiting room was like 100 degrees!! It was basically a green house that was outside but also inside, and it was miserable!! When the hospital lady saw me in there she told me if I don't have any symptoms I need to go wait outside... I was grateful, but it was soooo weird to be without my comp. After like forever, hna Pérez came out of the hospital and was like... Hermana, I have covid. And started crying

and I was like, I wanna hug you but like... covid. And she was like, yeah don't hug me haha.
So after 2 more hours of waiting, this lady came out and was like, ok since it was negative, here's some medicine for the flu. And hna Pérez was like, uh... it was positive.
It was positive????
And then she sprinted inside and had us on our way home with different medicine in less than 10 minutes.
Thus began our quarantine.
Pineapple from a member! |
Something really cool has been the support and love that we've gotten from our ward! Which is so funny, because they're normally the opposite lol. But they've brought by masks, lemon and ginger and honey, lunches every day, one of them brought us a pineapple... they've also done a pretty good job of taking care of our friends even though we weren't at church. How do you get the love of a ward that's ridiculously cold?? Covid apparently.
Saturday we were chilling, we worked all day from our phone and had actually a decent amount of success. But sunday, by like 4 o'clock, I was going crazyyy. I could not be a covid missionary for the full year and a half.
Elder Macias and his princess birthday party |
I've enjoyed being able to study more throughout the day, not having to wear shoes all day, and being able to take care of my comp. She's still feeling sick, but she's improving. The miracle here is that I've been cleaning all her dishes, serving her food, helping her with whatever she needs... and I didn't get sick!! At least not yet. We always have masks on and we're careful about disinfecting everything, but like wow!! Also, in spite of being stuck in the house all week, we hit all our goals!! And the zone tripled most of our stats from last week!!
That's about it this week!! I'm looking forward to being able to leave for a little while today!!
Love you all!!
xo-hna griffin
Eating Completos before covid hit |
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