12/26/22 Christmas...but like it...didn't

This week was SO much, but im just not feeling like writing. So. Monday we went and traveled all day ti Antofa for a mission wide conference. The Pierces drove us and it was good!! It was really spiritual and I love talking to them. When we arrive in Antofa we went to this random gas station place for my comp to use the bathroom and we found this Columbian girl in the bathroom!! She asked us who we were and why were in Chile (she thought we were Columbian... I think my comp more than me) and we started talking about the gospel!! And now she's hopefully gonna be learning with hermana Tommy in her sector!! Tuesday was the all-day-long Christmas conference!! It was SO HOT there!!! In the morning was zone conference which was the same soup just reheated (baptise more, be more obedient, complain less and have less fun-they're all like that). Then we had lunch which was fancy meat with mashed potatoes... but then my comp had to go to the bathroom and we missed dessert ...