12/26/22 Christmas...but like it...didn't
This week was SO much, but im just not feeling like writing.
So. Monday we went and traveled all day ti Antofa for a mission wide conference. The Pierces drove us and it was good!! It was really spiritual and I love talking to them. When we arrive in Antofa we went to this random gas station place for my comp to use the bathroom and we found this Columbian girl in the bathroom!! She asked us who we were and why were in Chile (she thought we were Columbian... I think my comp more than me) and we started talking about the gospel!! And now she's hopefully gonna be learning with hermana Tommy in her sector!!
Tuesday was the all-day-long Christmas conference!! It was SO HOT there!!! In the morning was zone conference which was the same soup just reheated (baptise more, be more obedient, complain less and have less fun-they're all like that). Then we had lunch which was fancy meat with mashed potatoes... but then my comp had to go to the bathroom and we missed dessert
when we came back there was only fruit cake left. I wish I was joking but I'm not.

In the afternoon we had a talent show. Except they didn't tell us it was a talent show, they just told us every zone has to perform a song, and that we can't sing any of the songs that they were already gonna use for the devotional... which they were using all the songs in the hymn book except for the First Noel. As it turned out, we were going last. And no less than 3 of the other 9 zones sang the First Noel. And we were like, shoot what do we do?? We can't just sing it again, that would be so lame! But hna Pierce had the idea that we invite all the other 3 zones who sang it to come up to sing with us. Sooo that we did! And it was actually so cool!!! The unity was beautiful haha.
In the evening we had dinner and then the Christmas devotional, and then half the mission got into busses and left to their zones again. Buuuut not us! We stayed in antofa two days for visa stuff.
Wednesday was my birthday.
We spent the morning cleaning up after the Christmas conference (and some hnas made me pancakes), then we went to lunch at La Royal Ranch which is American food- burgers and fries. They also had root beer there but it was $3 for a can of root beer. I got a float, but instead of a root beer float it was with coke. It was actually so good... but probably wouldn't be with American coke. After that we went and worked in hna Tommy's sector. Talked to people, went to a lesson with one of their friends (who lived in the fanciest house I've ever seen), went to a fhe with a recent convert and got to teach them all about the birth of Jesus Christ!! Then we were super far away and the family really liked talking and so we were stuck there for forever. And we couldn't find a bus so we called a member but he drove really slow and so basically I didn't have time to make my birthday cake, and I also didn't have time to eat any cake (there was no cake to eat sooo) and I showed up like an hour late to my own 3 minute birthday party over messenger video call. And then I burned myself on my birthday candles. Kind of a rough day
and then my mom sent me a video that was so cute and sweet and it made me cry and then it made me homesick and I was just overall not having a good time. But Tommy said I gotta push through, so its fine I guess 

We traveled that night overnight in a super bougie bus, but it was super cold, and I didn't bring any type or form of jacket (I like to travel light
) so I couldn't sleep because I was too busy shivering haha.

Friday we were both soooo tired and we wanted to work but we couldn't function, so we took study time to sleep, and got to work a little later than normal. But we were still sooo tired. We had a branch activity in the evening, but it was kinda lame because it wasn't super organized, and nobody was really in charge. But I tried some weird Chilean food. Like monkey cola and monkey poo (it's literally called that, but in spanish).
Saturday. Ok so im in chile right? Weird, I know. In chile they have a dude named viejito pascuero who's basically santa but less cool. Anyways. He comes on the 23rd at night, and so on the 24th the presents are under the tree all day, so all the kids and all the people wait until midnight Christmas eve and open their presents at like 12:01 "christmas morning." And then they all drink and eat a bunch, and then they sleep in harddd on Christmas day. So yeah we were invited to dinner with a family but presi said we can't be out past 10 so we went home and went to bed. And by some miracle, on Sunday the chapel was packed!! But basically Christmas eve was, watching home alone 2 in spanish, listening to the carpenters, eating Colombian and Chilean food, and working.
Sunday didn't feel like Christmas. The LZ said we can't have a Christmas party as a zone so we didn't do that. And we were traveling for the entire p day before so we didn't really have much food in the house, and we hadn't had much time to buy stuff for each other. Kinda the most boring Christmas ever. I wish at the very least it had been spiritual, but it wasn't super powerful. Except for one moment which is, when Maitte told us she really wants to be baptized and is gonna try and convince her dad this week to let her get baptized next Sunday!!! But we'll see. I need your prayers please!!!
Y eso! (That's all folks!)
Love you all!!
xo-hna griffin
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