03/27/23 Transfers🥲

Soooooo im going to alto hospicio. Which is a lovely, wealthy town in the middle of the most tropical part of our mission and there are no street dogs there... except its the opposite of everything i just wrote. An ugly, poor town in the middle of the driest desert in the mission, and its full of street dogs. But ive heard the work there is wonderful. By the time you all read this i imagine I'll already be there. More on this in a second. Last P day we went to huasco which was actually so fun!! We're the only hermanas in the zone so it's always a little weird hanging out with zone... we joke about how we're barely a part of the group because the elders see us as if we're a different creature or something, and it's amplified here where the nearest other hermanas are like 2 hours away. But that day we were able to have a little time and space where we didn't have to hang out with them, and then afterwards we played volleyball! While we were there we saw s...