02/28/23 Elder Fish
Elder Fish was a zone leader for Katie while in the MTC. He went to serve in Columbia...this happened and made national news. Sent this update to Katie.
Hello everyone!
I hope this message is shared over and over! This is so close to my heart and I hope it is seen. I want to talk about Maxwell and his love for Colombia. Maxwell is half Colombian and ever since he was a little child desired to come to Colombia. He has always desired to go visit, and serve a mission where his history is. He wanted to bring the gospel and share God to the people and in return he knew it was filling a call in him. He always wanted to serve a mission here. He talked about it through his teen years. He worked and saved every penny to buy his suits and cover the cost of a mission. He was very nervous applying for the mission. He was nervous he maybe called somewhere different. His heart called for Colombia and he didn't want to go anywhere else. We prayed the Lord would send him here to Colombia. When he read the call he saw Cali, Colombia. He ran to hug me, almost knocked me over! We never were concerned about the distance or time apart. We knew the call for Colombia came when he was young. And now it was finally time. Jumping to his mission time. He instantly messaged me from the airplane as it landed how beautiful and amazing Colombia is. He fell in love instantly before his feet hit the ground. He messaged often how he loves the beauty here. He loves the people!! He has been in Cali and Popayan. Everyone he comes in contact with he loves. He has only been here less than a year and already expressed to me, he wanted to extend his mission and stay. He expressed after med school his desire is to live part time home in the States and also establish home in Colombia. His dream is to be a doctor in both places. His dreams are big. His love is unmeasurable. In this time I want to state I love Colombia. Max came here and he grew. He learned so much. And what a joy it is for a mother to see your son spiritually and emotionally grow. Watching max and talking to him each Monday was beautiful. He soars like an eagle here. He soars with the good news of the gospel. I saw him bless others and how others blessed him. I saw God directing and blessing his life. I can't ask for anything better for my child. After this tragedy, and sitting here in Colombia. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Popayan. I know from the beginning God placed his companion with Max. He placed members ready to help. God placed an amazing surgeon on duty at this hospital. The spirit here is amazing and strong. The doctors are special and talented. I know from God's hands to theirs, my baby was saved. This hospital and the staff kept my child alive. I am forever indebted to them with gratitude and love! They performed the impossible and saved max. The surgery was complex and it was a miracle he survived. That is testimony from multiple doctors. Then they kept such wonderful care of him. I am so glad God picked and blessed these people and places for my child to grow, to live and to be saved in more ways than one. I do feel this tragedy is part of Maxwell's mission. He will soon talk and communicate his love and miracles. But for now these are my words relaying love for Colombia. For Popayan. For this blessed hospital. God works miracles. Thank you everyone for being a part of this miracle. Through Maxwell's story God's glory shines and there is more to come. I just had to pause and thank God, and say I'm grateful for his missionary service and call, and I love Colombia so much. Thank you

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