04/17/23 Quarantine again *sigh*

Hello everyone, After surviving my crazy fevers of last Sunday, I thought I was in the clear to have a normal, chill week... but Tuesday morning I woke up having COMPLETELY lost my voice... and a little later starts the congestion and basically by noon our mission presidents wife told us we needed to go to the doctor to see what's up. Well, in order to do that we need a form from the office people. She said they'd send it over within a half hour. Ok cool, so we call a member and she's like, ok so where is the clinic? -Uhhh in Iquique. -but which one? -we don't know yet?? -hmm well when do you guys want to go? -as soon as we get this thing from the office elders -and when will that be? -soon?? We don't know when -you guys don't know anything! Call me back when you have all the info. And she hung up. And you guys. I kid you not. It took like 3 hours to get the thing from the office elders so when we get a...