06/20/22 Shiiii:Bishar, Facebook and Pizza
God loves you and knows you
I literally can't believe it's been an entire week already, how did that happen???

This week was super busy and a million things happened as usual but I'll do my best to give a good little summary 

Last Tuesday we spent like 4 hours in the calle (on the streets knocking doors or street contacting), with very little success... it's crazy to me how much time it takes to do street contacting and doors and how little success it yields... we also went to this cute pastelria which is a bakery, and I tried my first Manjar Berlin-it was so good!!!! Then later that night we went to a member's house and made pizza!!! It was my first time in a while actually making dough and so I was in heaven
the pizza turned out really well!!! Hopefully there will be a picture below :)

On Monday I bought a new coat and the place I got it from is like across town... so they didn't take the security tag off when I bought it and I didn't notice until we were already home... I had my mom look up how to get it off but it didn't really work so I just got out my shears and cut it out
and then sewed it back together... but there was like less fabric to work with so it was tricky..... buuuut it turned out actually pretty well!!! You can only tell if you compare it with the other side. And I have a security tag as a souvenir haha.

Wednesday was a normal day of missionary work with lessons, visiting a nice little old lady from our ward (she speaks English!!), and tracting. We also got completos with French fries on them... completos are like hot dogs in really good bread with tomatoes and avocado and ketchup and mayo. And these ones also had French fries!
Thursday was kind of a rough day for me. I was feeling really frustrated with the language and with not being able to cook meals for myself and stuff. But it's ok!! That night when we were walking us home this guy stopped us and asked why we hadn't texted him... we had no idea who he was but I guess previous hermanas had spoken with him. So we got his number and on WhatsApp there's a thing where you can put up a story like on Facebook and Instagram so he had a story... which was hermana Batemans face (hna Tommy's previous comp) and we were very creeped out and are not going to be contacting him. Not sure why he had a picture of an hermana on his story but there it was.
Also at some point these dogs were following us for way too long and wouldn't leave us alone haha.
Friday we found our friend Bismar who is from Bolivia and always says shiii instead of sΓ and also is just kinda weird
but we invited him to church and he said he would come! (but he didn't...) we also had lunch with this lovely family and they gave me an English copy of Jesus the Christ which I've been reading ever since. It's pretty dense, but interesting.

Saturday was packkkeddd. We had an event with the stake primary where we taught all the kids about missionary work and they all got mission calls and little name tags and then they got to teach us missionaries mini lessons and practice contacting. It was so cute, this one little kid was like "we want to invite you to church... and then you can be baptized!!" and we were like "yeah sounds great to us!!!"
After mini mission, we had lunch with the stake president (my favorite meal yet!! I think it was like the first time I haven't had to force myself to take more bites... not that the food here is terrible, just that they give us soooo much of it!!!) which was across town, so there was this whole ordeal of trying to get a micro (bus) and not succeeding and then finally he just picked us up.
Once lunch was over we went backkk to the capilla across town for a baptism. Our friend Billy came, and he's on date but hesitant because his whole family is super catholic.
The rest of that night was pretty normal with Facebook and our English class, and I made apple crisp (woooo!)
Sunday was super chill- we did some studies, went to church, came home and tidied up a little, had lunch (a member just dropped it off), did some more studying, heart-attacked some members that weren't at church today, did some Facebook, and then we got to talk to our parents because it was Father's day!
My little miracle of the week is this: at one point we had already walked a ton around town and I was feeling kinda whiney and not super happy... so I said a little tiny prayer, like "Heavenly Father please help me to fix my attitude" and like within minutes a member family pulled over and gave us a ride to the capilla where we were going... I wanna testify to you all that God knows us and loves us, even when we're complaining or being lazy, he hears our prayers and answers them. It's super humbling to be here speaking Spanish because I know I could give fuego lessons in English... and I would get a big head about it obviously haha. So the fact that I have to teach in Spanish and translate everything before I say it is humbling and rewarding.
Also Moroni 7 is brijito (which means amazing) and you all should read it if you have time and then email me your thoughts

Love you all so much!!!

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