07/25/22 Missionary Blessings and a Birthday Party and YES I'm still sick thank u for asking
The week as always went by very quickly, and yet it feels like there are a million things to tell. Time is really weird as a missionary, because the MTC, for example, feels like 100 years ago, but it's shocking to think 3 months has passed since I started my mission! And at the same time last Monday feels like it was just here, but last Tuesday feels like it happened an eternity ago. I don't know, I can't really explain it, but it is what it is!!
So here we goooo-
-Monday night we picked Hermana Perez and she is SO funny, I love her si o si!! My voice was pretty raspy that day but I didn't feel sick... I had felt sick the previous week so I thought it was leftovers of that.
-Tuesday we had a lesson with our two niñas who are 10 and 11, and they were really cute and excited to learn. After that we had a lesson with another niña who was 8 (she turned 9 on sunday) and it also went really well!!
-Wednesday I made banana bread and we had consejos (counsels). Im a Facebook leader now so I got to go to three meetings instead of just two... love the Facebook leader things, don't love the meetings
and I was coughing kind of a lot by this day. We also went to Club Z for lunch, so wooo for American food (but it's kinda expensive, so not my favorite thing-I would rather get completos!!)

-Thursday I woke up feeling terrible so La Tommy said it was ok for me to get bit more sleep-i slept through all of exercise time and get ready time (~2hrs), then got ready super fast and we cut our studies a little shorter. Then literally all of our appointments fell through, including lunch, so I slept 2 more hours during lunch, and then we went to the capilla so that hna Tommy could practice for the talent show this coming week, and I laid down on a pew and did Facebook while coughing my lungs out every 5 seconds haha. From my journal, this is how out of it I was, "Dormingo except its Wednesday. Yah so I woke up feeling WORSE RIP me haha." Dormingo is the Spanish way of saying sleepy Sunday... and I wrote that it was Wednesday even though it was definitely Thursday. And also I just thought it was funny. But anyways, also that night the zone leaders called us and we were already in pajamas (the moment it hits 10:32 I'm in jammies, so that's on them for calling so late).
-Friday we got completos.
I also got a blessing and I got some little giftys for some family members that they won't get to see for 15 more months haha. I also had the blessing of inviting one of our niñas to be baptized, and she said YES!!!! she's going to get baptized on the 14th of august!!!!
-Saturday I was feeling a little better, and we did a service project. The plan was originally to go at 10, and we were all ready to go at 9:50... but then at 10:20 we got a text that they weren't doing it until 11, so we waited some more and at 11:20 they came and picked us up. We had a lunch appointment at 1:30, but the guy who was giving us a ride didn't actually get into the car until 1:25... and then he drove to some random farm and started shoveling manure into bags, then he loaded it into the car, and went back to his farm thing and unloaded all of it... long story short we were a full hour late for lunch, que vergüenza, and we weren't even in pross, super vergüenza!! Then we had a lesson fall through, and English class which I always love, and I taught hermana perez how to say "where is my super suit" from incredibles!!
-Sunday was kinda weird. We had church and no one came... except 10 minutes before relief society ended, our friend Bismar called us and was like "I'm almost there" so we gave him a tour of the capilla and gave him a BoM. After that we had lunch with a member who's kinda weird, shoot me a personal email if you really wanna know why haha, and then we went to our niña's house because it was her birthday and we had a present for her and wanted to share something with her.... and then we like couldn't leave. It was so awkward, we ended up staying for her birthday party because we couldn't figure out how to get out of there!!! So yeah, we went home with anime gift bags and everything. Just overall a really weird situation.
-Today, Monday! I hit my 3 months mark today yay! My comp decorated and wrote me a cute note and made me pancakes, one of which in the shape of a 3
and then we went shopping and had lunch at Wendy's! And then... I found out.... that Marlee is pregnant!!!!!!!!! Earlier this week I had been talking to my comp about how that is something I've been praying so hard for and how I know that families of missionaries get lots of blessings and I hoped that that's one of them. All these nights for a while now I've been praying for them, and I bet God was up there grinning because He already knew this blessing had come to pass
so now the prayer is that they can both be healthy and happy!!! Milagros

A little later I talked to Dallas and Kayla and the twins, and something really cool happened.... Ellie said my name!!!! Kayla told her, say hi to Katie, and she said "Hi Katie!!" It was so cute!!! Made my day, well along with a hundred other good things haha! I also got to talk about things of the spirit with my grandpa, which is always a blessing, and we did some missionary work in the evening and I wrote my weekly of course, but like suuuuper late (oops)!
My favorite thing from personal study this week: I read The Need for a Church by President Oaks, and in it there was a part that said if your day in church on Sunday was a failure, you have failed. You are responsible for your own worship and blessing the lives of others. You're not supposed to go to church to be taught, you go to learn and worship. He talked about how if we change our perspective in church from being self centered to looking for ways to help others, our experience in church will be transformed. With that on my mind on Sunday, I didn't complain as much when I had to lead the music (even though I really don't like leading the music), and I tried harder to understand and make genuine connections with people while I was there... and it was a much better experience!!!
I hope all your lives are wonderful and that you're all doing very well. Sending all the love and prayers, and please tell me if ever there's something more I should pray for.
xo-hna griffin T
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