08/08/22 CHICKEN FEET also we went to antofa and most importantly BAPTISMS💜❤💜❤💜
Hello there!
This week was a lot of things, mostly good things...
-Tuesday we had a pretty normal work day, and we worked with our two niñas who got baptized on Sunday!!! There are a bunch of things we had to get ready for that so the week was pretty well based on that.
-Wednesday we got completos :)
also the niñas passed their baptismal interview wooooo!
-Thursday is literally not even worth writing about. But in the evening we traveled to antofa for zone conference and stayed overnight in their apartment. It had a really pretty view of the ocean.
-Friday we had zone conference and it was pretty good! I'm definitely understanding more Spanish all the time, which is nice because the more experienced you get, the less mental energy it takes to listen to people talk, but with that being said, it was definitely still exhausting to be listening to Spanish all day. The conference went from about 9:30 until about 4:30 with a little pizza break in the middle. There was lots of training and I had to help train people with social media because that's one of my assignments right now. Scary!! But also apparently everyone in my group spoke like really good English, even the Latinos so I could have used more Spanglish than I did to better get my point across. Oh well! That night we had our 3 hour bus ride back to Calama.
-Saturday we got a bunch of stuff ready for our baptisms Sunday and had interviews with the president. It was an absolutely crazy day with not a lot of time to breathe, and it was made even more crazy by the anxiety of interviews with president and the baptism Sunday and a million things happening. But hey it's over now so we're good

In other news our friend served us some soup... which was super good... and in it was... CHICKEN FEET!!! I was kinda freaked out and didn't want to try them but they're actually not terrible... except for the thing where you can like move the chicken toes. Our friend who gave it to us thought it was sooooo funny how freaked out I was to eat it and kept taking videos of me, que vergüenza 

-Sunday we had church of course... and presidente wu came to our ward for some reason which seemed really scary but was actually fine! Our testimony meeting went over 30 minutes and there was like zero silence. When I saw that presidente was there I thought maybe I should get up but there wasn't space for me to! Everyone talked for so long and there were so many of them!! And then at the end they had prezi and hna wu speak too! Everyone was talking about how important baptism is and directing their remarks at our niñas!! It was so cute, if a little long winded.
Look closely at the soup...CHICKEN FEET! |
Then we had the baptisms of our niñas!! The water was nice and warm, and they had the biggest smiles on their faces when they came out of the water!!! This is my first baptism in the mission so I was pretty excited. After the baptism we had a little party for them and we baked some treats for that in the morning before church.
-Today, Monday, pretty typical p day!! Except I think we might go to a waterall this afternoon

I studied the passage of scriptures that talks about considering the lilies and faith, and I think that song from the tab choir has become my favorite. How beautiful are the flowers that today are in the field and tomorrow are cast into the fire... how much greater will God bless us if we have faith and believe in Him.
I think that's all I got for ya!
Hope you all had a good week!!
xoxo-hna griffin
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