09/26/22 I got a root canal... IN CHILE😱 and it wasn't that bad😊 External Inbox

I've been a missionary for more than FIVE MONTHS NOW WHATTTTTT Once again I am awestruck by the way time works as a missionary. For example, Thursday felt like the longest day ever, but last P day feels like yesterday. Yeah I don't really get it and I don't think I can really explain it. This week I think felt really long because we planned everything out, but like very very nearly EVERYTHING fell through. Like at the last minute too. It was a little frustrating!! But we survived. But anyways. This week I had the really cool opportunity to get a root canal... in Chile... on a Tuesday. Surprisingly wasn't that bad. The dentist honestly seemed about the same level of high tech as my dentist back home, but he was literally the friendliest guy I've ever talked to. We think he speaks English, but because I was speaking Spanish didn't bother to. I was so freaked out because I don't have the vocabulary to talk about dentist things. But, it turned out just fine. ...