07/31/23 Short week=short ish letter

Tasty roadtrip cookies Holis, I honestly feel like I don't have anything to tell you all! Okay, maybe a couple little things... New companion!! Hermana Newlon is great! She reminds me a LOT of my friend Isabella from college. Maybe because they have like the same hair haha. In my assignment as hermana leader, I'm going to be working with an Hermana from New Zealand, and currently, we're on a bus to Antofagasta for a conference. We had some drunk dudes ask us if it was possible that missionaries 4 years ago were smoking Marijuana... we said it wasn't very likely. New compi pics We've had a ton of success with our members this week in that we invited a friend to an activity, he went along with his friends, one of the friends was a good kid and also started to go to all the other activities and now he's probably going to get baptized this weekend. and we haven't taught him very much, but the members have already talked about the temple and ba...