07/31/23 Short week=short ish letter
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Tasty roadtrip cookies |
I honestly feel like I don't have anything to tell you all! Okay, maybe a couple little things...
New companion!! Hermana Newlon is great! She reminds me a LOT of my friend Isabella from college. Maybe because they have like the same hair haha.
In my assignment as hermana leader, I'm going to be working with an Hermana from New Zealand, and currently, we're on a bus to Antofagasta for a conference.
We had some drunk dudes ask us if it was possible that missionaries 4 years ago were smoking Marijuana... we said it wasn't very likely.
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New compi pics |

I feel really satisfied with the work we've done these few days, and for the obedience we've had as well. I don't feel like I have much to tell you all that's very interesting, but I feel happy and all is well (except for the whole Elder frustration thing... I won't bother writing too much, just elders who are way too intense).
Actually one story... nobody judge me. So these same intense elders called us at about 11am, and we were telling them how we were gonna go to the city center a little early to be able to arrange things for the exchange of companions that we had to do (my comp with the comp of the other hermana leader). We were thinking it would be easier to go down early and eat lunch there so that we would be close to the terminal and so we wouldn't have to stress. We were also thinking about going to the mall if we had time. So they called us and asked us why we weren't going to the zone activity, and we explained that and they went off on us about how we can't go to Centro early because it's against the rules to go to the other zone, and we explained about the exchange and they continued to argue with us, and overall just made us feel like we were being disobedient, bad missionaries. So we texted President and got permission to go down early, and we also went to the mall briefly to try and find some clothes (all my clothes are dying). And then we got to the bus and it turned out we were in the wrong terminal so we went to the other terminal. We sent a text to the elders to let them know it was in the other terminal... and they never arrived. They missed their bus because they wouldn't go any earlier than like 30 min beforehand, and I don't even know exactly what happened, I guess they got lost or something, but I felt... really gratified? Is that the word? Well, I was definitely grateful to not have to sit by them on the bus for 8 hours. I don't know why it's so hard for me sometimes to have patience with certain elders, and I know this is the dumbest situation to feel such satisfaction over, but that's my story.
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Me and hna faiva traveling to antofa (this picture is from when we had to stop and they kicked us all out to get gas, we're in a small town called Chañaral) |
Now for something to help you all forget about my greatest sin of having 0 patience with elders... a spiritual thought haha.
This week I've been reading about teaching in the Savior's way, and I've loved what I've learned!! Not only for teaching as a missionary but also for teaching as a teacher someday!
One of the things it talked about was knowing and loving each of your students, and even praying for them by name every day, and I was thinking that that could be such a blessing in a classroom in the world, especially where some of these kids have maybe never had someone pray for them by name. I have the talk I was reading bookmarked to read again later when I start being a teacher.
It also talked about always focusing our teachings on Jesus Christ. And I feel like that's an area that needs work for me. As a missionary, I've gotten really good at focusing teachings on baptism or focusing on commitments, but it should be focused on Jesus, He is, after all, the reason I'm here.
Anyways, love you all!!
xo-hna griffin
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