08/28/23 16 months, I guess!

Puntos de una semana muy chaotic!! -conf de líderes: it was very good. Elder Kearon and his wife spoke in English and the APs had to translate to Spanish. Elder Kearon spoke about a lot of things but one of the things I loved was his emphasis on the word of wisdom and treating our body like the temple that it is. Especially with exercise and eating right! But what marked me a lot more was his wife's talk. She talked about comparison and how we shouldn't do that. We are a team in the mission and it's not about who's better or who's baptizing more or who's got better numbers or who's a leader. She said the race is against SIN not against each other! We're a team, working to serve the Lord and love His children, and that's it. I loved it, and it reminded me a lot of my favorite byu devotional... here's a link ;) https://speeches.byu.edu/ talks/j-b-haws/wrestling-with- comparisons/ -boda: our friends got married!!!! I made them a wedding cake! E...