08/28/23 16 months, I guess!
Puntos de una semana muy chaotic!!
-conf de líderes: it was very good. Elder Kearon and his wife spoke in English and the APs had to translate to Spanish. Elder Kearon spoke about a lot of things but one of the things I loved was his emphasis on the word of wisdom and treating our body like the temple that it is. Especially with exercise and eating right! But what marked me a lot more was his wife's talk. She talked about comparison and how we shouldn't do that. We are a team in the mission and it's not about who's better or who's baptizing more or who's got better numbers or who's a leader. She said the race is against SIN not against each other! We're a team, working to serve the Lord and love His children, and that's it. I loved it, and it reminded me a lot of my favorite byu devotional... here's a link ;)
-boda: our friends got married!!!! I made them a wedding cake! Everything was done beautifully and very inexpensively! I didn't get to go because I was in the conference mentioned above.
Actually, I was really bummed about not getting to go to the wedding, and so I started praying specifically to know why God needed me in that conference and not in the wedding. On the 8 hour bus ride to antofagasta, I decided to listen to that talk that I mentioned above^^ because u had it downloaded and I hadn't listened to it in a while. When she started talking about the same things, I suddenly realized why I needed to be there. That was the message God needed me to hear that day.
-bautismo: on Saturday our friends who got married, Leonel and Rebeca, got baptized!!!! It was a beautiful baptism and nearly the entire ward came. The piano pedal wasn't working but luckily my comp was playing piano so I didn't have to worry about it
we filled up the font, and had it on warm water for a couple hours, but them right at the end so it would go faster we turned on the cooler water. Well we left it a bit too long and in the middle of the first talk, I remembered it was still going, and so I turned around, made eye contact with one of the elders, and mouthed "the font" but in spanish, and then gestured towards the other room where the font was. He ran and turned off the water... just in time because it was exactly level with the floor of the observation room. Verryyy full. So we had to take out some of the water so they could get in without baptizing the church building.

-traveling and being dead tired: oh yeah, I did this all on 6 hours of bus sleep
-wedding cake: I spent like 6 hours making the cake---> none of it was work time... I've been a little tired, but now that we're to Monday I already feel better!
-Sunday morning pancakes: my comp woke up Sunday morning and made me pancakes

-we had a fhe with a cute family and it was a lot of fun! Even though our friend we're teaching canceled, we enjoyed thoroughly our time with the family. Their little daughter came in and was babbling and her face was covered in something that looked like chocolate (she's a year old) and the dad said, what are you doing?? And she said bleehh and opened her mouth and had a bunch of cookie pieces in her mouth. We all burst out laughing!!!
A quote that I like:
“Perhaps the greatest discovery of my life … came when finally I had the confidence in God that I would loan or yield my agency to Him—without compulsion or pressure, without any duress, as a single individual alone, by myself, no counterfeiting, nothing expected other than the privilege. In a sense, speaking figuratively, to take one’s agency, that precious gift which the scriptures make plain is essential to life itself, and say, ‘I will do as thou directs,’ is afterward to learn that in so doing you possess it all the more.”
Anyways, love you all!!
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