Helloooooo Hermana Griffin and Hermana Tommy right before transfers Guess what happened with CAMBIOS!!! You probably guessed wrong- I certainly did!! I'm.... STAYING in CALAMA...... but in the other hermana sector.... with Hermana PEREZ!!!!! WOOOOO IM SO EXCITED!!! My original expectations were one of two things- 1) I stay in my sector and get a new compy, or 2) I go to somewhere far away (because everywhere is far away from here- the next closest city is 3 hours away!!) What this means: probably, I'll be in Calama until like right before or right after Christmas. But also anything could happen. But I didn't think this would happen!!! Here's the thing, I've been living with Hermana Perez for like a month and a half now and we're like BFFs, have been since like the day she got here. I LOVE her. She's from Urugay and doesn't speak any English, so my Spanish is going to be significantly better by the end of this cambio I imagine (and my English signifi...